The project of
Chioggia and Rosolina

According to the project: Art, Sea, and Nature: “dalla Laguna Sud di Venezia al Delta del Po". Expenses financed by the Veneto Region under the POR FESR 2014-2020, Action 3.3.4, Sub-Action D "Promozione." Regional Government Decree no. 1426 of 01/10/2019.

List of tender participants

This project was born with the proposal to enhance, with a series of national and international activities, the southern stretch of the Venetian Coast which includes the territories of Chioggia, Sottomarina Lido, Isolaverde, Rosolina, the Po Delta. The territory is considered strategic in the field of coastal tourism where the South Lagoon system presents transversal attractive opportunities linked, as well as by a seaside vocation, also to a historical, naturalistic and landscape context of high importance. Sottomarina, Isolaverde and Rosolina constitute a macro-area that extends for 18 km along the coast and includes the exceptional natural environment of the Po Delta Park: a protected area of 40 hectares of Mediterranean forest.

Project financed with the contribution of the Regione Veneto – PORFESR 2014-2020 Azione 3.3.4 sub azione D

Chioggia and Sottomarina Lido

Rosolina and Delta del Po